Let's start talking to you about this fantastic journey. The President of the Group has created the 2021/2026 Ledger that will guide us and accompany Io Mazzucato in international markets, creating Mazzucato International over the next 5 years. Follow us on this page; month after month, you will see the Mastro Book take shape.
IO MAZZUCATO 12 12 2021
We start from a Mazzucato family, from a place, Breganze in Italy and their wines.
Libro Mastro 2022 - 2025
The Group President has conceived and written a trip with clear and ambitious goals. The 150 pages were collected in the Master book. The Mazzucato family listened for 25 hours to the presentation of the three-year project directly by the President in 4 meetings. With enthusiasm, the Mazzucato family accepted and confirmed the Master Book.
work beginning 27 05 2022
We begin page after page to apply the Master book under the supervision of the President.
news stamp 15 06 2022
Why a stamp? Because a logo will not be enough to represent the lifestyle that Mazzucato international will represent.
new website
With 30 days ahead of schedule, we are already working on the new website, which will be fundamental in developing the project and creating a new turnover for our client.
new logo 30 06 2022
The new logo and the stamp are ready in over 50 versions for use in the media, social media and web marketing sectors.
new prospect 30 06 2022
It is not the primary objective and is not foreseen in the first six months of activity. But we are already managing 37 commercial prospects to open up new opportunities for Io Mazzucato.
news 28 07 2022
Even if not foreseen by the agreements, thanks to the intervention of the DH Group and DOC International Suisse, we have begun to recover a credit, in 2019, from an old customer. The shareholders of Io Mazzucato were amazed, not only that we had dealt with it, but of the result obtained after years of giving the credit for loss. It is one of our uniqueness; we always do much more than agreed. Consultants who bring money before they even start receiving money are things never seen before. Thanks, President!
new rosè 30 07 2022
In collaboration with Io Mazzucato, we have started the path to creating new wines. A new 100% shiraz rosé. On the second taste, it appears perfect and had the full approval of all the participants in the events of 30 and 31 July, who found it very good. 750 test bottles.
We are already selling them
We are dealing with a client who has reserved them all.
new partnership 10 08 2022
Thanks to the collaboration with our IAP DH GROUP, the three-year Mazzucato International project was presented to some European members of the Tea room DH Group. The aim is to involve them in creating a new network of distributors for Mazzucato International and Io Mazzucato. The presentation meetings were held in Vienna at the Imperial Hotel and Warsaw at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel.
new prospects 30 08 2022
The primary objective of each winery is to sell the wine it produces. But the project we conceived for the winery goes beyond just today of sale. We are creating a solid future and not devoting ourselves to evolving today without building anything that sells tomorrow. But we are already managing 40 commercial prospects to open up new opportunities for Io Mazzucato.
first results 01 09 2022
We are amazed by the speed of our partners and the President's ability to achieve results in unthinkable times. We don't have to sell, but apparently, we will also make an important contribution to the sales sector. The partner deals with 200 to 250 Jeroboam (3 litres) of "torcolato" and from 20 to 25 Rehoboam ( 4.5 litres), even if they have a target of 400 Jeroboam.
The numbers speak for themselves. A unique project which the President takes care of directly. The customer will use these unique bottles in 2025, and some will be offered for sale through the Club Team Room and for exclusive TDHI VIPs.
conference call 02 09 2022
Today Mr Mazzucato and our General manager Dr Magri had a conference call with the Group President to start the activities regarding the three-year project. They talked about the results already achieved, the start of work, the harvest, and the commercial opportunities already under negotiation and established some guidelines following the letter 002 that the President had sent to them. The conference call was constructive and positive.
start of the Ita network 19 09 2022
The construction of the new commercial network in Italy of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project was scheduled for January 2023.
Instead, today, we have already started to create the Italy network. Some Business Consultants of the Italy team and some IAPs in Italy were
In addition, some international partners have been contacted in Spain, the USA, Hong Kong and Mexico to participate in the project.
General project manager Italy 24 09 2022
Dr Silvio Giovanni Pittarello accepted the position of General Project Manager of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project in Italy, proposed by the President and accepted by the General Manager of the TDHI Group.
The corporate role will entail many responsibilities and work for the new General Project Manager, but it will also allow him to obtain many privileges and benefits.
The General project manager of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project in Italy will collaborate on the project with the General manager of TDHI Italy, Dr Magri and will report directly to the President.
meeting 27 09 2022
Today there will be the first meeting of some Business Consultants and International Partners Accredited at INIM in Vicenza in Italy.
The meeting will be held at INIM, an IAP of the TDHI Group in Italy. In May, INIM not only entered the IAPs but was chosen by the President as one of the partners for the special projects of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project.
At today's meeting, in addition to various Business Consultants and accredited partners, the General project manager of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project, Dr Pittarello, and the General manager of TDHI ITALIA, Dr Magri, will participate, and the President will connect via conference call from Muscat (Oman).
network 29 09 2022
Today we started to send the guidelines created by the Presidency exclusively for the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project to accredited TDHI Business Consultants and IAPs in the Italian market. In addition to the Guidelines, information documents were sent for the 5 targets identified to create the new business development business in the Italian market.
network 04 10 2022
In just 8 days, we informed and activated a network dedicated to developing the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project of 95 consultants and accredited partners in the Italian market.
The documents will allow the project development team in Italy to involve commercial agents, hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars to collect the first interests and continue the dialogue for the innovative proposals we are creating.
Not only will we create the commercial network that will sell Io Mazzucato wine, but, as the first project in the world, we will help the winery's customers to sell more and better. We will help them with tailor-made events and projects to sell the Io Mazzucato wines that we have today and the new wines and new product lines that we will create with Io Mazzucato.
conference call 08 10 2022
Today Dr Pittarello, General project manager (GPM) of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project, had the opportunity to be on a conference call with the President of the DH Group, who conceived the international project for Io Mazzucato.
The primary purpose of the conference call, lasting over 2 hours, was to start training for the activities of the General project manager within the project. Being a unique project, the activities of the General project manager will be different from the normal activities of a GPM because they will have to be tailored to the project and the activities of the TDHI Group.
Event MTV Veneto 11 10 2022
Following the communication from the board member of the MTV Veneto Association, Mr Andrea Mazzucato, of the MTVVENETO Fiet about the event that will take place in Venice in the building that houses the famous Casino from 22 to 25 October to TDHI ITALIA, the President communicated to the General manager Dr Magri and the General project manager MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL Dr Pittarello how to continue in the interest of Io Mazzucato but above all by adapting the event to the strategies provided by the "Libro Mastro".
conference call 12 10 2022
Today a conference call was made between the DDCL, the Graphics Division and the President to hear the President's ideas for the label he has created for the new Rosè.
conference call 13 10 2022
Today Mr Mazzucato during a personal conference call with the President, the considerations and news regarding the MTV Veneto association, the next event in Venice.
The President anticipated to Mr Mazzucato that the activities of the associations and brotherhoods, of which Io Mazzucato is a part, will be managed in a strategic, valuable and constructive way.
new partner 18 10 2022
After two months of negotiations, we are pleased to announce that DH GROUP USA will be part of the Global Team of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project in the United States of America. We are building a dream team. They will soon publish their new website.
new website partner is online 29 10 2022
As we had anticipated, the new partner of the project has published his new website. We thank the partner for mentioning our project and look forward to continuing the collaboration.
tasting boxes for IAP +BC 05 11 2022
The project for the development of Team Italia continues, which we call "Structure". Through Team Italia, we will build the commercial network of Io Mazzucato in every Italian region.
One month ago, more than 100 people in the Italy project team received the Guidelines explicitly created for the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project in the Italian market.
Together with the guidelines, each member of Team Italy has received five standard documents through which they can contact agents, distributors, consultants or HORECA in a simple but professional way.
Today the GM and GPM of the project received two new projects called TASTING BOX IAP + BC and TASTING BOX HORECA.
tasting box program start 15 11 2022
Today begins the launch of the TASTING BOX program. Many of you will think you know what it is; you have no idea. Believe it.
Program intended for TDHI IAP, TDHI BC (involved in the project) and their HORECA customers.
Our customers, Io Mazzucato, don't know what it is, but as orders arrive in the cellar, they will understand that it works.
When it is possible, in the coming months, the President will present the various projects created and launched between October and November.
ECONOMY magazine 05 12 2022
In December, you will find a page dedicated to our project in the ECONOMY magazine. TRUST DH ITALIA, to support the commercial network it is creating in the Italian market and to start the communication project in support of MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL in Italy, has invested in an ADV page in a prestigious magazine.
The ECONOMY magazine has been chosen because it is mainly read by entrepreneurs, managers and freelancers, who are the main target of our project. At this link, you can read or browse the monthly for free:
partner meeting 02 20 01 2023
The President met with our partner in the US to evaluate the first strategies to be applied in the next quarter.
There are some exciting initiatives. Follow us, and we will keep you updated.
Letter 003 17 01 2023
Today the President sent a letter to start the year with the following topics: MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL PROJECT - HAPPY NEW YEAR - ECONOMY - INVESTMENT - ROSE' LABELS - PROJECT PAGE - CONTEST 2023.
In addition to the customer Io Mazzucato, the letter was also sent to our General manager Dr Magri and the General project manager of the Dr Pittarello project.
The client enthusiastically welcomed the communication, sharing the current objectives and results.
Contest TDHI 2023 25 01 2023
Being one of our customers, Io Mazzucato participates by right in the TDHI 2023 Contest.
Every month our client will receive a score and compete to win prizes for 250,000 euros that the TDHI Group has made available to the Italian Contest market.
magazine page 07 02 2023
Today on all Italian newsstands, you will find a page dedicated to our project in the ECONOMY magazine. TRUST DH ITALIA, to support the commercial network it is creating in the Italian market and to start the communication project in support of MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL in Italy, has invested in an ADV page in a prestigious magazine.
The ECONOMY magazine has been chosen because it is mainly read by entrepreneurs, managers and freelancers, who are the main target of our project. At this link, you can read or browse the monthly for free:
INIM 15 02 2023
Today Geom Rizzo held a conference call with the President to continue with the activities that INIM is carrying out as per the President's instructions in compliance with the "Libro Mastro".
labels of the new rosé 27 02 2023
Today the President wrote personally to send the labels for the 750 bottles of the new rosé and the 30 numbered magnums for the new rosé.
And he anticipated the page dedicated to roses that TDHI ITALIA published in the prestigious monthly ECONOMY.
strategic meeting 29 03 2023
The creative team of DDCL (UK), our Graphic Division, the Marketing Team of DH GROUP USA (US) and DH&CO ADVISORS (LT) met in Lithuania for the new initiates conceived by the President for the project.
The meeting had on the agenda: news for the Rozè 2021 project, Rosè 2022, and the events in Europe for Mazzucato International.
Those who attended could only say they could not believe what they heard. There were 4 intense hours of brainstorming, graphics, marketing and communication that shocked the professionals present.
Before entering the meeting room, everyone had to sign an additional confidentiality agreement in addition to the one we all had.
We expect great things in line with what has already been published here on newsstands and social networks.
M International lifestyle house.
strategic meeting 21 04 2023
The creative team of DH GROUP USA (US) and Silkynes svajos (LT) have started working with silver, gold, Swarovski, cotton, and paper for products related to the Mazzucato International project.
M International lifestyle house.
Investments 09 05 2023
Today, the assistant to the President in Lithuania sent a gift package to Io Mazzucato.
After visiting the company in 2022, the President had some ideas and decided to invest in communication to make the winery in Italy more international and captivating.
The President paid all the production, purchase and shipping works favouring Io Mazzucato and TDHI ITALIA.
Division meeting 18 05 2023
The Division is collecting information from the project partners and structure to prepare a report for the President pending the meeting in Italy with Io Mazzucato.
General meeting with client 06 06 2023
12.00 meeting with the GPM DDLC Iohan and for the organization of the communication and graphic activities of the second semester 2023
13.00 meeting with General Manager Dr Magri TDHI ITALIA for general activities in the second semester of 2023
14.00 meeting with General project manager Dr Pittarello and Business consultant accredited Cisotto in preparation for the meeting with the client Io Mazzucato
From 15.00 until 18.00, the President presented to TDHI ITALIA and the client Io Mazzucato the results obtained up to 30 05 2023
The meeting in the presence of the CEO of TDHI ITALIA of all the shareholders Io Mazzucato, took place in harmony, and everyone appreciated the excellent results obtained.
visit to the winery 16 06 2023
The President, notwithstanding his schedule of meetings during his tour in Europe, has set aside additional hours to revisit the Io Mazzucato winery.
During the visit, he was accompanied by the Director Rizzo of INIM.
During a few hours of viewing, in addition to visiting the winery with Director Rizzo, they analyzed the internal and external location, taking measurements to send them to the President.
The President is evaluating other changes to the Io Mazzucato Winery in Italy.
meeting with potential client 29 06 2023
The CEO of DDC Group met with the President in Warsaw and presented the possibility of new clients, confirming that negotiations can start in the autumn. The CEO indicated to the President the tastes and characteristics of the interested potential customers in Asia for rosè and RISERVA VINTAGE products.
August 2023 31 08 2023
We make the most of August, like every year, especially in Europe, taking advantage of the fact that customers and competitors are on vacation.
The GM, Dr Magri and the GPM, Dr Pittarello, also made themselves available during August with the President to evaluate the strategies to be applied in the last quarter of 2023.
The main objective will be the start of sending the order lists for the definitive sale of the Rosé, the second phase of the TENEBRIS VINUM project and the second phase of the RISERVA VINTAGE project.
meeting GPM DDCL with President 13 09 2023
Today, for over 4 hours, the DDCL specialists, led by their General project manager, met with the President. The President gave all the directives to start the second phase of the TENERBIS VINUM and RISERVA VINTAGE projects.
new informations 25 09 2023 - 28 02 2024
Strategically, communications had been suspended because, for some projects, it would have been a problem to talk about. In any case, all projects continued, and new projects were created successfully.
new informations 01 04 2024 - 30 04 2024
Work continues given the July 2024 meeting for the presentation of new projects, labels and sales.
private meeting for owner 23 07 2024
Today, the President met privately with the owners of Io Mazzucato from 2:00 to 6:00 PM. During this time, the President was able to analyze the situation in the cellar and evaluate the preparations for the general meeting the next day.
From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, the President offered a 2006 Chateau Margaux to celebrate Laura's birthday. Mrs. Abrea and the general project manager, Dr. Pittarello, were also present.
The President also gave two pairs of yellow, white, and diamond gold earrings to celebrate Mrs. Laura.
dinner Io Mazzucato 24 07 2024
In the evening, after a day dedicated to the General meeting, the Mazzucato family invited the President, our CEO, and all the participants to a wonderful dinner.
meetings for 31 08 2024 30 08 2024
In August, there were six video calls and three meetings for the following activities regarding the projects for M International.
Labels, bottles, graphics, website, posts, online and offline marketing.
meeting 16 09 2024
Preparation meeting for the October 2024 auction.
meeting WLC 20 10 2022
Palazzo Franceschi, Venice, Italy 20 10 2022. The General project manager in Italy of the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project, Dr Silvio Giovanni Pittarello and the TDHI Business Consultant, Dr Marina Orlenko, met the representatives of the Women's Leadership Club During the meeting, our representatives read the greetings and best wishes that the President had sent in Russian, English and Italian. We have started a dialogue to establish a partnership with this important Club.
wine & chestnuts 29 10 2022
Every Friday and Saturday in the cellar, there will be the "EVENTO MUSICA E CASTAGNE" beautiful evenings where you can drink excellent wines and eat fancy things.
General project manager Dr Pittarello was present at the event.
two month project 07 11 2022
Today the President sent a long email to customers, partners and the best business consultants who are part of the project, summarizing some important objectives achieved and confirming some actions in compliance with the "Libro Mastro".
The excellent results obtained in just 60 days, and the ability to create interest around a project, allow our President to let us get results for our significant customers and us.
The company's top management informs us that the communication from the President was met with enthusiasm and positivity.
first commercial orders 23 11 2022
We have only been using the TASTING BOX program for 8 days and have started sending retail orders to our client Io Mazzucato.
We are only in the test period of the program, which will last 3 months, then once it becomes fully operational, it will allow us to support the creation of the commercial network and will also allow us to sell in the meantime.
General meeting 13 12 2022
As anticipated on 29 11, the general meeting was held on 13 December to evaluate the 4-month project. Furthermore, the first results of the 4 weeks of the "BOX Tasting" project in Italy were evaluated, and the rosé labels were presented.
From the General manager's report, we find that the meeting was highly appreciated by the customer Io Mazzucato. The General project manager Dr Pittarello attended the meeting.
The President of the DH Group managed the meeting, who is the creator and supervisor of the project and was able to present the results obtained and the visions of the activities being carried out for a few hours.
We will soon publish the data of the new customers that our company has brought to the cellar, the initiatives and much more. Follow us.
Meeting 16 01 2023
The second meeting of the year for the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project.
The meeting allowed the President to make some considerations with the General Manager of the project Dr Pittarello regarding the first analysis of the 4-week "Tasting Box" project intended for the Structure.
Furthermore, the first meetings Dr Pittarello will have by the end of the month have been organised, with potential clients.
The President shared with Dr Pittarello the report that Dr Magri had made regarding the annual meeting of 13 12, 2022. Everyone was enthusiastic about the initiatives undertaken and the work done following the strategies and projects conceived and supervised by the President.
Meeting 12 01 2023
First meeting of the year for the MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL project.
The meeting allowed the President to make some considerations with the management of our company regarding the annual meeting of 13 12 2022 and to set up the first works for 2023.
website meeting 27 01 2023
Today there was a meeting between the TDHI STUDIO Graphic and the DDCL to complete the project's first phase of the international website.
magazine Economy 08 02 2023
Like every month, we have purchased dozens of copies that the General Project manager Dr Pittarello will deliver to the winery today. You can request a copy free of charge in the cellar that Messrs. Andrea or Laura will gladly give to you.
website and labels of the new rosé 16 02 2023
Today the President, the General project manager of DDCL and some graphic designers worked on the website of the Mazzucato International project, which will soon be published. They also decided on the latest changes to the labels for the new rosé.
ADV Economy March 06 03 2023
We anticipate the page dedicated to the new rosé, which will be released in all Italian newsstands from 12 March to 10 April. You will not be able to buy the rosè in the winery, you will not be able to buy it in the e-commerce of the Mazzucato, and only those who own it will be able to see it.
A page will be dedicated to the M International lifestyle house.
Maybe you can discover something there...
ADV Economy 08 04 2023
One of our new autumn/winter 2023 projects. Book, meditation, wood, leather, play, reading, relaxation, wine and sensations, it's about all this and more... look for us in the prestigious ECONOMY magazine on Italian newsstands from 8 April and from 13 April with Il Sole24Ore, the most important business newspaper in Italy. Let's start with Italy because part of the project is Italian. While others talk about cooperation, partnership, sharing and inclusion, we have been doing it for 40 years. This project involved our companies and partners in the following cities: Dover (US), London (UK), Lugano (CH), Breganze (IT), Vilnius (LT) and Ostrava (CZ).
TDHI ITALIA (LT) warned you that it would revolutionize the wine and luxury sector...keep following us, and it will be a journey you will want to be part of.
M International lifestyle house.
strategic meeting 28 04 2023
The creative team of DH GROUP USA (US), THG Group (US) and Silkynes svajos (LT) have started working with cotton, design and paper for products related to the Mazzucato International project.
M International lifestyle house.
RISERVA VINTAGE project 15 05 2023
The programming of a new project dedicated to the world of vintage begins.
Also, in this case, it will be innovative, fascinating and obviously very profitable for Io Mazzucato.
Never forget the satisfaction of the final clients. ;)
Division meeting with DH GROUP 25 05 2023
The TDHI FOOD AND BEVERAGE Division presented the information collected to the President. The meeting certified significant results. During the meeting, the President confirmed his intention to reach the goal of 100% of sales of 2021 rosé in record time.
Dinner with client 07 06 2023
The Mazzucato family sent the CEO, the General Manager, Dr Magri, the General project manager, Dr Pittarello and the President of the DH Group to a private dinner.
We are waiting for photos and information and the authorization to publish.
meeting with potential client 27 06 2023
The director of RDG Monde met the President in Vienna and presented the possibility that some customers in Paris are interested in the Mazzucato International RISERVA VINTAGE products.
information tour to TDHI ITALIA 29 07 2023
Today, the DH Group sent the information collected from May to July 2023 on the activities carried out on behalf of TDHI ITALIA regarding the Mazzucato International client.
meeting GPM with Client 05 09 2023
Today, the GPM, Dr Pittarello, had a meeting that lasted 90 minutes, following which he will send a report to the President and the GM, Dr Magri.
In the second part of September, another meeting will be agreed upon with the customer as soon as the GPM receives what is necessary from TDHI ITALIA and DH GROUP.
meeting Division with President 20 09 2023
Today, the competent Division received all the directives from the President to start preparing the sales orders regarding the 2021 vintage Rosè project.
In the next few days, the Italian Secretariat of TDHI ITALIA will receive them and will begin sending them to the Io Mazzucato winery.
In the next few days, the Italian Secretariat of TDHI ITALIA will receive them and will begin sending them to the Io Mazzucato winery.
new informations 08 03 2024
There was a beautiful evening at Io Mazzucato, where the President hosted some Team Italia members living near Io Mazzucato in Italy. Who delivered gifts from the President. At the beginning of the evening, they delivered two incredible bouquets of flowers to Mrs Laura Elipanni Mazzucato and to our CEO Isodaite and gave all the ladies the beautiful present that you see in the photo.
At the end of the evening the President went around the tables to greet all 60 guests and collaborators, together with the President they presented some beautiful gifts also from the President.
For the first time in Italy, all those present could admire the rosé already sold exclusively and only in international markets.
new informations 01 05 2024 - 30 05 2024
Work continues, especially with D&D CONCEPT CREATIVITY, to develop the projects presented in Italy in July.
General meeting 24 07 2024
Today, the President had the opportunity to present an update on all the projects that you find below.
The CEO, GM Dr Magri, and GPM Dr Pittarello of TDHI ITALIA (Lithuania), Mr Iohan of DDCL (UK), Ms Lucin, the President and Assistant for Italy of the DH Group, and accredited Business Consultants Rizzo, Cisotto, and Horga participated.
The owners participated in the Io Mazzucato, and at the President's request, Mrs Federica Elipanni, the owner's sister, was also invited.
From 15.00 to 17.30, the President communicated to all present the progress of the projects created to develop the Io Mazzucato, particularly the M Internazional project. All the projects are going great.
He also presented a project called "ARTE, VINO, ANGELI" (M International art project), which was completely innovative and not foreseen by the agreements between Io Mazzucato and TDHI ITALIA.
The President proudly presented two world records. The first was to propose a rosé to the market without showing potential customers the bottle or the label or letting them taste it. The second world record is to have sold the entire 2021 vintage and part of the 2022 vintage of rosé wine without buyers ever tasting or seeing it.
From 5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., the President illustrated the upcoming projects he is designing for entertainment in the vineyards and green areas around the winery.
2021 Rosè World records 30 07 2024
This is the world record for selling wine without customers being able to see the bottle, the colour, or taste the wine.
This is a world record for selling an entire vintage without customers being able to see the bottle or taste the wine.
Not only the records but also the project reached 181%, meaning that more bottles and magnums were sold than had been agreed upon by the President.
meeting 06 09 2024
Preparation meeting for the October 2024 auction.
meeting 23 09 2024
From September 1, 2024, a meeting with the President to develop the M International project is scheduled every week. Today, we worked on developing ideas for the various projects mentioned in the Libro Mastro.
first day 21 10 2022
Today the General project manager of the Mazzucato International project, Dr Silvio Giovanni Pittarello, visited the stands and set the meetings for tomorrow. In addition, he will participate in a round table dedicated to blockchain in the food and beverage sector.
ECONOMY magazine 29 10 2022
In November, you will find a page dedicated to our project in the ECONOMY magazine. TRUST DH ITALIA, to support the commercial network it is creating in the Italian market and to start the communication project in support of MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL in Italy, has invested in an ADV page in a prestigious magazine.
The ECONOMY magazine has been chosen because it is mainly read by entrepreneurs, managers and freelancers, who are the main target of our project.
At this link, you can read or browse the monthly for free:
conf call tasting box program 14 11 2022
Today the TDHI General manager Dr Magri and the General project manager Dr Pittarello MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL, participated in a conference call in which the President had the opportunity, for almost 2 hours, to inform and train the top management on the use of the program, which was created and produced to support the project TASTING BOX IAP + BC and TASTING BOX HORECA.
Rosé 2021 labels 30 11 2022
Today the DDCL team and the TDHI Studio Grafica team made the last call for creating the labels of 100% Shiraz rosé 2021. Only 750 bottles of 750 ml and only 30 numbered magnums.
The labels will be presented on December 13 to the top management of TDHI ITALIA and the Mazzucato family in a private meeting.
You are wrong if you think you can see the labels as they are. Because the Rosé will not be sold in the cellar, you will not be able to buy it on the Io Mazzucato e-commerce; no images of the bottle will be published.... how, where and when will it be possible to see, taste and buy it? You will find out by following us.
ECONOMY magazine 05 01 2023
In December, you will find a page dedicated to our project in the ECONOMY magazine. TRUST DH ITALIA, to support the commercial network it is creating in the Italian market and to start the communication project in support of MAZZUCATO INTERNATIONAL in Italy, has invested in an ADV page in a prestigious magazine.
The ECONOMY magazine has been chosen because it is mainly read by entrepreneurs, managers and freelancers, who are the main target of our project. At this link, you can read or browse the monthly for free:
"BOX Degustazione" 4 weeks 17 01 2023
From 23 11 2023 to 23 12 2023, we analyzed the first 4 weeks and are very satisfied with the first analyses.
35 new customers in just 4 weeks
The President will personally inform Io Mazzucato about the analyses we are carrying out on the project after a further meeting with our General Manager, Dr Magri and the General project manager Dr Pittarello.
But we were enthusiastic about evaluating that a project conceived by the President has allowed in just 4 weeks to reach 35 completely new customers without any additional investment and any free bottles to new customers, not even a preventive taste.
website meeting 20 01 2023
Today there was a meeting between the TDHI STUDIO Graphic and the DDCL to complete the project's first phase of the international website.
meeting 02 02 2023
In the last week, the General manager Dr Magri has managed dozens of prospects we are evaluating.
Dr Magri met, by conference call with the President almost daily because many international distributors were interested.
big client 10 02 2023
Today TDHI FOOD AND BEVERAGE sent an important proposal for a customer with 3 stores in Lombardy.
Dr Magri is handling a contact passed by the President. The President himself conceived and coordinated the proposal to the big client. We hope to hear from the client news very soon.
labels of the new rosé and adv 18 02 2023
Today the President, our Division for graphics and the DDCL have taken the last decisions on the labels of the new rose both for the 750 ml bottles and the 30 numbered magnums.
They also defined and delivered to Economy Group Srl the page that will be published in March for the new rosé.
Only those who own it can see the bottles and taste an outstanding rosé. From what we know, the 750 test bottles of the 2021 vintage and the 30 numbered magnums of the 2021 vintage have all already been sold by the President. When the new website is online, you will be able to know a little more. Follow us.
new website 10 03 2023
Today the new website dedicated to the HOME OF LIFESTYLE M INTERNATIONAL has been published.
If you thought you'd find the usual website dedicated to wine, or a cellar, in short, something usual, you'll find you're wrong, and that's just the beginning...
M International lifestyle house.
webiste update 10 04 2023
The website has been updated monthly; moreover, new pages dedicated to projects have been published, and recent posts and ...follow us will be more and more enjoyable.
M International lifestyle house.
meeting with potential client 05 05 2023
Today DH GROUP USA, in a conference call, confirmed its interest in the new Rosé.
Rosè 2021 17 05 2023
The project for the new Rosè 2021 wine continues. Read the page dedicated to the project.
General meeting with client 06 06 2023
12.00 meeting with the GPM DDLC Iohan and for the organization of the communication and graphic activities of the second semester 2023
13.00 meeting with General Manager Dr Magri TDHI ITALIA for general activities in the second semester of 2023
14.00 meeting with General project manager Dr Pittarello and Business consultant accredited Cisotto in preparation for the meeting with the client Io Mazzucato
From 15.00 until 18.00, the President presented to TDHI ITALIA and the client Io Mazzucato the results obtained up to 30 05 2023
The meeting in the presence of the CEO of TDHI ITALIA of all the shareholders Io Mazzucato, took place in harmony, and everyone appreciated the excellent results obtained.
meeting with GPM Pittarello 12 06 2023
During a personal meeting reserved exclusively for BC Dr Pittarello, the President transferred the guidelines for the specific activities for the next semester.
meeting with potential client 28 06 2023
The director of the D&D Foundation met the President in Ostrava (Czech Republic) and presented the possibility of new customers, confirming that negotiations can begin in the autumn.
information from DH GROUP 31 07 2023
Today, TDHI ITALIA sent the information received to TDHI FOOD AND BEVERAGE.
report GPM 13 09 2023
Today's General project manager sent his report to the President of the DH GROUP and to the General manager of TDHI ITALIA.
new informations 23 09 2023
From today, the project page dedicated to our client is not only already unique in the panorama of international consultancy, but today it even indicates the development indices obtained for the client.
We consistently prove that we are the best.
The project page is a cost for the TDHI Group, which must dedicate hours of work to keep it updated, but it is an investment that allows the customer, partners and consultants of the group to be informed every month.
While reiterating that references in consultancy are worth nothing (we don't sell a product, simple to measure, we manage companies), each client, each company we work with has completely different characteristics; therefore, the results obtained with one client do not mean that they are valid for the next even if in the same sector.
Furthermore, the project page is, in any case, an active, authentic and concrete reference on the work carried out for a client. As we always say, we do not give references because we sign confidentiality contracts, but in cases where possible and with the client's consent, we do not publish a simple reference but what we do for him. Are we posting all? Absolutely not ;)
new informations 20 03 2024
Today, the President met with Mr. Andrea Mazzucato for a private meeting. According to the information received, the meeting was, as always, cordial, constructive and very positive.
new informations 25 06 2024
In June, the President had a weekly conference call with Mr Andrea Mazzucato. From the meetings, it emerges that the collaboration continues with mutual respect and in a constructive way.
M INternational Art project 24 07 2024
Today, the President presented a project that started in March 2023 and will end by June 2025. We can't tell you much because there will be an official presentation between March 2025 and June 2025 next year.
The President presented the project, and 7 paintings have already been completed.
A project that combines technology, art, wine, communication, innovation and much more.
It is a project with a budget of 25,000 USD, conceived by the President.
Sponsors: Duke of Dijon Foundation (US), DH GROUP USA (US), TDHI ART (Lithuania), Art El Club del Duque (Mexico)
Partners: THG Group (US), DDCL (UK) and Teddys Head Game (UK)
Information about the project will be published on various websites. We will keep you updated.
crystal display cases 23 08 2024
Today the glass cases designed and purchased by the President arrived. They will be used for the display for the October auction.
meeting 14 09 2024
Preparation meeting for the October 2024 auction.
meeting 30 09 2024
From September 1, 2024, a weekly meeting with the President is planned to develop the M International project. Today, we have been working on developing business ideas for the various projects mentioned in the Ledger. We are setting up a monthly events project at Io Mazzucato for 2025 in collaboration with the TDHI HUB AND CLUB project.
2022 Rosè project
project target 100 %
current project target 25 %
index of current success 90 %
update of 30 09 2024
M International Art project
project target 100 %
current project target 40 %
index of current success 90 %